The Kid Detective

The Kid Detective

The Kid Detective 2020

IMDb Ratings: 6.8/10
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Language: English
Release Year: 2020

Director: Evan Morgan

Stars Cast: Adam Brody, Sophie NĂ©lisse, Sarah Sutherland

The Kid Detective Movie Screenshots

The Kid Detective

The Kid Detective Movie Review

Based on the article I thought this would be a fun, simple hearted game. There are actually a lot of jokes but I would take it as a black joke because there is an unresolved kidnapping, and an unresolved boy murder.

The boy at a young age was the kind of detective Nancy Drew and gained a great reputation in his hometown. Another funny thing in this story is the return of his old charges because he pointed to the wrong perp. As an adult he does not get much work and always seems absent.

My wife and I watched it at home on DVD in our public library. We enjoyed it, the conversation is completely unfamiliar, there are some strange aspects. A nice change of evening view speed.