Escape from Death Block 13

Escape from Death Block 13 [2021]

IMDb Ratings: 4.1/10
Genres: Action
Language: English
Release Year: 2021

Director: Gary Jones

Stars Cast: Robert Bronzi, Chris Hahn, Nicholas Turturro

 Escape from Death Block 13 Screenshots


 Escape from Death Block 13 Review

Of course, well with a film like "Escape from Death Block 13", I have to admit that I did not expect much from anything big. But still, I decided to sit down and look at it, because I had not yet seen it.

And while I can only say that I am a huge fan of Robert Bronzi, who obviously does a acting job looking like Charles Bronson, this film was not really what brought me to the edge of my seat.

Sure, "Escape from Death Block 13" was a hit, but it was a low budget movie. And the movie was never shot in the jail area. Just look at the awesome blue or blue screen work the movie uses and wants to sell to the audience as it happens inside the prison. I was amazed that such a horrible and questionable CGI could be seen and not seen in the 2021 film.

The story of "Escape from Death Block 13" was straightforward, though not the most memorable or the most exciting. This was a typical action film with little solid content in it.

The simulation games featured in "Escape from Death Block 13" would have been very disappointing, so don't promise your hopes.

The sounds in the movie were bad. Especially the effects of noise during combat scenes. They were so bad that they added part of the parody and comedy to the movie, which was actually trying to take itself as an action film. So those sounds didn't work in harmony with the film.

While I'm able to stay in every movie, I can honestly say that this is not a movie I will ever watch again, nor is it a movie I would recommend that you rush to get your hands on.

My estimates by author and director of Gary Jones' 2021 film "Escape from Death Block 13" reach four out of ten stars.