Amityville Vampire

Amityville Vampire 2021

IMDb Ratings: 2.1/10
Genres: Horror, Thriller
Language: Hindi(Unofficial VO Dub) + English(ORG)
Release Year: 2021

Director: Tim Vigil

Stars Cast: Jin N. Tonic, Miranda Melhado, Anthony Dearce

 Amityville Vampire Screenshots


 Amityville Vampire Review

Needless to say, my expectations for the 2021 film titled "Amityville Vampire" were not great at all, as I sat down and watched a film I had never heard of before. But considering the enduring Amityville horror film after another, I never thought this would be better.

But I believe in giving the movie a fair go, so I decided to sit down and watch "Amityville Vampire" from writers Carlos Perez and Tim Vigil.

This film was definitely bad. Yes it was. Was I expecting something else? No, it is not. But there was a strange, though not impossible, chance that the movie would prove to be a violation of the movie-bad-Amityville-movie-after-other series, right? Sure, but "Amityville Vampire" was not a movie that would break the habit.

I have to admit that I was initially attracted to the film cover and the title Amityville, with the rare chance that the movie would be anything close to the original 1979 film "The Amityville Horror". The film cover was interesting to me, but it eventually became the best thing in the whole experiment.

The story told in "Amityville Horror" was almost as interesting and well written as you could find in the elementary school term paper paper. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

The cast in the film was solid and solid, with most of the actors and actresses playing almost past games. Yes, it had that strange feeling throughout the film. But also, you have a character named Jin N. Tonic who will star in the movie, so go and think ...

Apparently "Amityville Vampire" was not something to write home about. Sure, practical and special results have achieved their goals, but you will not find yourself in the realm of positive results here.

This is by no means a movie I would recommend that you spend your time, money or effort on. Some of us do so unnecessarily.

My rating of director Tim Vigil's 2021 film reaches two out of ten stars.