Sharks of the Corn

Sharks of the Corn 2021

IMDb Ratings: 1.7/10
Genres: Horror
Language: Hindi(Unofficial VO) + English(ORG)
Release Year: 2021

Director: Tim Ritter

Stars Cast: Shannon Stockin, Ford Windstar, Steve Guynn

 Sharks of the Corn Screenshots


 Sharks of the Corn Review

Of course, well with the film titled "Sharks of the Corn", you will definitely believe you are in the news or in the joke. One would think so. But no, this 2021 film from author and director has been seriously regarded as a horror film. Yes, indeed, a horror film.

And, well, I think it was a horror movie somehow, because this movie was bad. Too bad, too bad. But still, I ended it, hoping it would end up being fun and ugly so it would be one of those ugly films that was so fun and exciting to watch. That never happened with "Sharks of the Corn".

The "Sharks of the Corn" story was just too strong, I'm sorry, so at least the author and director got that. But it was certainly not an exciting story. And everything about the shark and the Stonehenge included? But why?

The role in this horrific 2021 movie was highly questionable. Yes it did, just look at the special effects, the story, the dialogue and the shark, and get an idea.

There were special results. Boy, would they have been special. The results were lowkey and realistic. And points are earned by doing something like this. But the results for "Sharks of the Corn"? Come on. It was cruel. It was clearly visible just a hand shark doll held in front of the camera. And the effects of blood? Well, we don't go there either.

"Sharks of the Corn" is undoubtedly one of the worst films I've ever suffered. You may be drawn to the cover of the film, the title or the phrase "Sharks of the Corn by Steven Kang". I did, and I deeply regret it.

My rating of "Sharks of the Corn" is based on one in ten stars.