White Sky

White Sky 2021

IMDb Ratings: 3.6/10
Genres: Action, Sci-Fi
Language: Hindi(Unofficial VO) + English(ORG)
Release Year: 2021

Director: Adam Wilson

Stars Cast: Natalie Martins, Ade Dimberline, Makenna Guyler

 White Sky Screenshots


 White Sky Review

The strange alien attack sounds interesting, doesn't it? All right! However, at that point, I decided to sit down and watch the 2021 sci-fi film "White Sky". However, that and again because it was a new film that I had never seen before.

It’s funny why author Philip Daay would think that watching a group of people cross the forest aimlessly for the sake of most of the film would be considered fun. I really did not find it a bit fun. Less than 30 minutes into the tribulation and I was tired of the film, but I decided to give it a little more time, so I pressed. Needless to say, I did not sit through the entire film, since watching people roam the forest did not help me.

The story line sounded interesting enough to synopsis, but the transition from script to screen was bad and did not make the movie fun or exciting.

Now, I'm not the one who jumps on the bandwagon to watch sci-fi movies, as it's not my favorite sport, but I always play it. I should have always been clear of "White Sky" anyway, except that it has enough interesting synopsis and cover / poster that seemed powerful.

By watching "White Sky" we feel lazy and unusual, may the film be filmed with a mobile camera. Yes, that was doubtful. And let’s face it, that really didn’t work for a movie that was already on the verge of a sudden decline due to the lack of an exciting story line.

My "white sky" rating is based on one in ten stars. This movie was not worth the time, money or effort. Some of us suffer from garbage in small or large quantities, so it is not necessary.